What are the DRI & NY Forward Programs?

  • The DRI, or Downtown Revitalization Initiative, is a $10,000,000 grant meant to tackle and/or kick-start various economic development projects all at once. Canajoharie applied for this program in 2023 but was a runner up to the Round 7 winner: the Village of Herkimer.

  • The NY Forward Program is similar to the DRI but meant to target a smaller range of projects and was created to give smaller communities a chance to take on transformative projects that might not have fit the parameters of the DRI program. The total award for NYF is $4,500,000. Canajoharie applied for this program in 2022 but was a runner up to the winners of Round 1: Cooperstown, Dolgeville and Sharon Springs.

  • In 2024, Canajoharie will be applying for Round 8 of the DRI and Round 3 of NY Forward. For more information on the programs, see our “About” page.

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